Breast Augmentation

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What is breast augmentation surgery?

Breast augmentation, clinically referred to as augmentation mammoplasty, is the surgical placement of breast implants to increase fullness, balance a difference in breast size, improve breast shape, or as a reconstructive technique following mastectomy. Breast enlargement is ideal for women who are dissatisfied with the shape or size of their breasts. If you’ve lost volume in your breasts, either because of breast-feeding or weight loss, breast augmentation could restore how you once looked.

Dr. Lewis will offer you several options regarding surgery that will be discussed at the time of your confidential consultation. These options include which type of implants to use based on your anatomy, location of incision for placement of the implant, and whether to place the implant above or below the pectoralis muscle.

As Dr. Lewis states,

“Each patient is different and I will customize a plan formulated specifically for you. Your new look will bring you greater confidence with fashion and may give your self-image a lift as well.”

What to Expect

Breast augmentation does not correct severely drooping breasts. If you want your breasts to look fuller and to be lifted due to sagging, a breast lift may be required in conjunction with breast augmentation. Breast lifting can often be done at the same time as your augmentation or may require a separate operation. Dr. Lewis can assist you in making this decision.


Your breast enlargement surgery can last up to three hours, during which time saline (sterile salt water) or silicone gel implants are placed either under the pectoralis muscle or the breast gland. The incision can be made either in the underlying crease where the breast meets the chest or around the areola. Dr. Lewis will make every effort to assure that the incision is placed in such a way that resulting scars will be as invisible as possible. Dr. Lewis will discuss with you options such as types of breast implants, placement, size and shapes as well incision size and location. Prior to any cosmetic procedure, be sure to follow his instructions on taking medications and vitamins, eating and drinking restrictions and the cessation of smoking.

You will most likely feel tired and sore for several days after your surgery, but you’ll be up and around in 24 to 48 hours. There are restrictions in heavy lifting and exercise for the first two weeks, and certain exercises are avoided for six weeks. Within two or three days, the gauze dressings will be removed and you will be wearing a surgical bra. A burning sensation in your nipples may very well be present for about two weeks, but this will subside on its own. Your stitches are absorbable and underneath the skin, so their removal will not be required. The swelling in your breasts may take a few weeks to subside and, over this time, your breasts will become more natural in appearance and feel. Your scars will turn pink in color over several weeks. After about two months your scars will begin to recede, although they will never disappear altogether. You should be able to return to work within approximately one week depending upon the level of activity your job requires.